This feature has been made available under SMJK school portal for quite some time. I created my personal blog and a few other blogs for the school but simply did not write anything in it. Well, there are always so many things to do in school. By the time I reach home, I am already physically and mentally exhausted. During the weekend, there are always other chores to do. The idea of writing in the blog? It has long been forgotten!

Then I read the news where Barisan Nasional blames ICT, mobile phones, SMS (not the school SMS) and Blog partly for the lost of many of their candidates in the last general election. So they set up their own Blogs to counter the “rumours” spread by the other parties.

The former prime minister, Tun Dr Mahathir lashes his dissatisfaction and expresses his opinion through his personal blog ( Long before him, Jeff Ooi and Datuk Seri Anwar have been very active bloggers, especially the former.

Then came the instructions to conduct “In Service Training” at least four times in a year for the school staffs. So we had the “Student Centred Learning”, “Budgeting” and even “Bowling” for the staffs. From the feedback, the sessions were quite “Teacher Centred Training” except the last activity. But is it educational?

So the idea to conduct training for all the staffs to create their Blogs struck me. Why not we conduct training where the staffs get to know about Blog and actively involved in creating their own blogs during the training. We have the personnel, facilities and resources to do it. The blogs created can be utilized as a medium for teachers and students to communicate. Teaching and learning activities can be conducted and relationship can be fostered!

Isn’t it more meaningful and educational?

But I ought to start writing one! Or else who will follow, right?

Hi, welcome to my Blog. I am the Afternoon Senior Assistant of Jit Sin High School. I have been around since Discember 1995. I will channel my view and information about the school through this Blog. If you have any comment, suggestion or feedback, you are always welcome to do so.

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