我感到欣慰自从校方举办过部落格训练之后, 所有教职员都拥有了个人的网络空间, 并开始把讯息、文章、图片等张贴上网与大众分享。欲观阅日新国中教职员部落格者可到以下日新国中网址:


过后点击“Teachers’ Blogs”(老师的部落格)

以下为維基百科 (Wikipedia) 里所刊载关于部落格的简介与優點

網誌Web log,縮寫 Blog),又譯為網路日誌博客(大陸音譯)、部落格(台灣音譯)或部落閣等,是一種通常由個人管理、不定期張貼新的文章、圖片或影片的網站。網誌上的文章通常根據張貼時間,以倒序方式由新到舊排列。



Pada 20 Sept 2008 (Sabtu), satu latihan untuk membina Blog bagi semua guru dan kakitangan diadakan. Hampir 200 orang guru mengambil bahagian dalam latihan ini. Latihan ini dikendalikan oleh beberapa orang guru. Mereka ialah En Tor Peng Chiang, En Khaw Kim Seng, En Liew Chin Han, En Chong Eng Seam, En Koay Tian Soo dan En Pius Heng. Mereka juga dibantu oleh guru-guru lain. Pada akhir sesi latihan, blog yang canggih dan kreatif dipilih dan diberi cenderahati.



group-photos-02-v2.jpg group-photos-03-v2.jpg

 These are my current batch of ICT students. Suppose to be 14 students. However, one was absent when the photos was taken. Hence there are only 13 in this photos. Unlucky number? Well, I don’t think so. What is important is their actual performance in SPM exam. If they continue to work hard, they will perform very well in the coming exam. Keep it up students!

2007/2008 ICT Students

在斋戒月期间  (2/9/2008 – 26/9/2008), 下午班提早一小时(即下午五点五十分)放学。


With less than four days to go before the Olympic Games Opening Ceremony, video for the Beijing Olympic theme song “You And Me” was being secretly filmed with Liu Huan and British singer Sarah Brightman as the lead singers.

Sarah Brightman described the song as sweet, natural, pure, beautiful and very different from the theme songs of past Olympic Opening Ceremonies. When she heard “You and Me” for the first time, she was moved to tears by its graceful yet simple melody and honest lyrics.

On August 8, Sarah Brightman and Liu Huan symbolically performed to the entire world on top of a model of the entire world, an “Earth” that rose up from the ground of the National Stadium.

Click the link below to watch the video.

 Beijing Olympic Theme Song “You and Me”


A Feed is a function of special software that allows “Feedreaders” to access a site automatically looking for new content and then post updates about that new content to another site. This provides a way for users to keep up with the latest and hottest information posted on different blogging sites. Some Feeds include RSS (alternately defined as “Rich Site Summary” or “Really Simple Syndication”), Atom or RDF files. Dave Shea, author of the web design weblog Mezzoblue has written a comprehensive summary of feeds.

A feed is a machine readable (usually XML) content publication that is updated regularly. Many weblogs publish a feed (usually RSS, but also possibly Atom and RDF and so on, as described above). There are tools out there that call themselves “feedreaders”. What they do is they keep checking specified blogs to see if they have been updated, and when the blogs are updated, they display the new post, and a link to it, with an excerpt (or the whole contents) of the post. Each feed contains items that are published over time. When checking a feed, the feedreader is actually looking for new items. New items are automatically discovered and downloaded for you to read. Just so you don’t have to visit all the blogs you are interested in. All you have to do with these feedreaders is to add the link to the RSS feed of all the blogs you are interested in. The feedreader will then inform you when any of the blogs have new posts in them. Most blogs have these “Syndication” feeds available for the readers to use.

FingerTec R2 Biometric FingerPrint Reader

The school has decided to replace current RFID touch card attendance system with FingerPrint Biometric Attendance System. The main reason for the replacement is due to the weaknesses in the current clock-in system. The problems with the current touch card attendance system are:

a. some teachers and staffs forget to bring their attendance cards and thus their attendance is recorded as absent when they are actually in school.

b.  “buddy clock-in” – the attendance of teachers and staffs can be recorded by asking their buddies to clock in for them.

c. some teachers and staffs lost their attendance cards

To overcome the problems, a FingerPrint Biometric Attendance System will be installed. With the installation of this new system, teachers and staffs only have to touch their fingers against the reader to record their attendance. The new system is expected to be installed and implemented at the beginning of September 2008.

An external assessor came to monitor the coursework marks of ICT students on 16 July 2008. He spent about 2 hours going through the coursework of students. At the end of the assessment, he was satisfied and agreed with the marks awarded.

So, congratulation to all the 14 ICT students! You have made a great stride and achieved remarkably well in the coursework part of the ICT subject. Mind you this ICT coursework constitutes 30% to the final SPM exam mark. If you have achieved 30% in your coursework, you are well on your way to achieve good grade in the final SPM exam.

However, a word of caution. Do not be over confident and worse still relax unnecessarily.  You still have to prepare and work hard. Nothing comes easily. As I mentioned earlier, if you continue to work hard and prepare well, many of you are expected to achieve grade A in the final SPM result.

All Form 5 ICT students are reminded to attend a special ICT class to be held on 16 July 2008 (Wednesday). The time is 2.30pm at school IT Lab 4. An external assessor will go through all the documents, reports and evidence of the coursework done by students. The marks awarded by internal assessor are only valid after they are verified and endorsed by the external assessor.

Attendance is compulsory.

All Form 5 ICT students please take note of the following information regarding Mid Year Exam:

Date:         12 May 2008 (Monday)

Time:        3.00pm – 5.30pm

Venue:      ICT Lab 4

Topics:       Learning Area 1 to 5

The subject contains 3 sections:

Section A:  (36 marks)

There are 25 objective questions. Each question may require more that 1 answer. All in there are 36 answers required, each carrying 1 mark.

Section B:  (20 marks)

There 5 compulsory questions. Each question contains 2 or 4 sub questions and carries 4 marks. The questions are of subjective type which require students to write answers in test pad.

Sections C: (14 marks)

There are 3 questions whereby students are required to answer only 2.

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